Moving IE7 Menu Bar Back to the Top and Remove Command Bar
Moving the Menu Bar Back to the Top -
- If IE is opened, close it.
- Start your registry editor (Start -> Run, type regedit in the run field and press OK)
- Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Toolbar \ WebBrowser and be sure that the WebBrowser key is selected
- Right-click the right part of the registry editor, select New->DWORD Value, and name it "ITBar7Position"
- Double click that new value, and assign it with a decimal value of 1
Removing the Command Bar -
* Click Start, Run and type REGEDIT.EXE
* Navigate to the following location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\CommandBar
If you don't have the CommandBar menu, create it by right clicking on the Internet Explorer folder in the left pane of the registry editor and say New -> Key, and type CommandBar as the name. Inside CommandBar do the following -
* Create a new DWORD value named Enabled
* The Value data for Enabled must be set to 0