Saturday, July 03, 2004

The Chronicles Of Riddick

Tagline: All the power in the universe can't change destiny.

Well, I was waiting for this movie after seeing Pitch Black the film in which Vin Diesel exploded onto the movie scene. I think a lot of you might not have watched Pitch Black, but it was definetely better than Vin Diesel's XXX.

Well my expectations were all shattered when I watched this movie. It was pathetic I should say. The main attraction of the Riddick character played by Vin Diesel in Pitch Black was that he was cold blooded. No compassion of any sort. The Chronicles changes all that and makes him a man who falls in love, actually feels for people, etc.

The plot is as such. An army of Necromongers attack the universe landing on planets one by one and converting all the people on those planets to the "Necromongan" Religion as they call it. One of their main principles of this religion is that "You can keep what you kill" meaning, that if you kill someone, all his possessions are yours.

Now the best part is how Riddick gets involved in all this. This movie is nothing about the fact that he can see in the dark as the previous one was. This is because of his origins. He was born a Furion which is the only race that was supposed to be able to stand up to the Necromongers.

Now the usual plot is that "The bounty on your head will be lifted if you save the world" exists in this movie. And therefore he goes about doing just that. The fight sequences are ok if you like to see a mix between Mortal Kombat and Star Trek. But to me it was just a whole lot of Visual Effects and was not impressive at all. I guess others might have other opinions.

All in all, I was disappointed, maybe just because my expectations of this movie were too high, but I can't be entirely wrong if you check out the Box office record of this movie. Action Fans out there might like this if you want to watch it for action only.


At July 5, 2004 at 9:06:00 AM GMT+6, Blogger loki said...

Pity. I was really looking forward to this as well.. been a huge fan of Vin ever since I saw Pitch Black. Had a feeling that they would muck this up though because somehow sequels to good movies very rarely live up to their predecessors.

Oh well, at least he's a nice bloke to look at so I'll probably buy the dvd in any case if only to admire the errr.. 'visuals' < grin >


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